Thursday, September 17, 2009

Growing a Monarch

We've been growing a monarch caterpillar since last week. This is what he looked like when my friend gave him to us (about five days after hatching from the egg).

This is what he looks like about a week and a half later.

Last year I spent a lot of time posting about the development of our monarch caterpillar all the way to a butterfly so I probably won't go into as much detail this time around. But if you are interested - it is a fascinating process and I shared some interesting information about the development in my posts.

This makes a great summer project - although I think it is probably too late in the season to find any eggs now. But there is always next year!

In the search for fresh milkweed for our caterpillar I ran across a pod filled with seeds. I wonder if I should try to plant some in our yard?...


Anna said...

When we were in Escalante there were milk weeds everywhere and I looked for eggs. We found a caterpillar, but since we didn't snag it.

And about getting together....I'm going to call you today. Let's do it!

Anonymous said...

They do grow fast, don't they. Fascinating!