Monday, July 14, 2008


I've been without a camera for the last week because Wes took it on his backpacking trip to Idaho. Wes, his brother and friends decided to make a tradition out of taking a backpacking trip every other year - starting in 2004. This year they went to the Sawtooth Mountains in Idaho. Rob was a new member of the group this year. And it sounds like they had an amazing time.

Spectacular Scenery

Apparently the fishing wasn't too good...except for these two!

There was more snow than they expected but they made the most of it!

Rob and Anna, don't let us forget to get these pictures on a CD for you.


Anna said...

I'm so glad you posted the pictures. Rob had so much fun, but his feet look AWFUL. I think he will be investing in new hiking shoes. Hope you don't mind if I steal a couple of pictures off of your blog. And Emily, time is running out before Rob is off to DC for August. Can you guys get together sometime later this week or early next week?

Melissa said...

Wow-those are some beautiful scenery pictures! I don't think of Idaho like that!

Jme said...

Absolutely breathtaking...super lucky! Just another thing to add to our "to do" list! Really cool!