Monday, May 12, 2008

Be Prepared

I recently read about a local company called The Ready Project. They sell "gourmet" food storage meals. "Gourmet"? I can't attest to that but there were a couple of things about the project that appealed to me. First, I liked the meals that they offered - soups, pastas, oatmeals, juice and chocolate milk. Sounds like stuff my kids (or I!) would eat - even in an emergency! Second, you can pay a fairly reasonable monthly payment (I haven't really shopped around but it seemed ok) and have containers of these meals shipped directly to your home. I liked this idea because I have been a little delinquent when it comes to this food storage/emergency preparedness thing. I am getting better, but I felt like this would at least get me ahead a little. So I opted for the monthly shipments. I have only received one shipment and I can't really vouch for the meals themselves - I haven't tried them yet. But I was sent an email with this deal:
If you decide you would like to make a purchase from The Ready Project (and even though they are a local company - they ship worldwide) - you can enter this coupon code and get 5% off your purchase: 60479. And if you use my coupon code, I will also receive 5% off my next purchase.

Just in case anyone might be interested!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just bought a case of strawberry jam. That is my limit for this month.